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Cleansing Spray

Cleansing Spray

Regular price $16.99 Sale

Blessed Sage 120ml (4oz)- For Purifying, Healing & Clarification. Sacred Tradition that has been used by Native Americans. For Clearing the Space & Energy. Ingredients: Essential Oils of Sage, Eucalyptus, Cedar Leaf, Juniper Berry & Geranium.

Palo Santo 120ml (4oz) is native to the coast of South America. Traditionally used for relief in common colds, flu, stress, headache, and depression.


Love 120ml (4oz)- A naturally rich, floral scent that is both romantic and uplifting, to positively impact emotions.

Blessed Sage with Lavender 120ml (4oz)- Sage smudging is a sacred tradition that has been used by Native American elders for centuries. It is used for air purification, cleansing and healing. Lavender aids in relaxation and calmness. 

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